Tuesday 17 April 2012

Natural Remedies for Dandruff

Natural Remedies for Dandruff
Our body sheds skin cells every single day and in
a way this is what is happening when we see a
noticeable amount of white flaking on our dark
clothes. Today we will help you relieve this condition
with some natural remedies for dandruff. If however,
you want the full low down on everything got to do with
dandruff, then click here. If it�s just the natural treatments
you are in search of then look no further, let�s get
straight into it shall we.
Shampoo Remedy:
The first remedy here is also the simplest approach you can take to get rid of dandruff. Just wash it away by shampoo rinsing each morning but make sure that you are using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Another important thing to keep in mind here is that your hair can become resistant to a particular brand of shampoo after a while, so alternating between 3 different brands can be the best course of action. Use one brand for the first month, another brand for the second month�and so on.
Tar Shampoo:
Keeping with the shampoo remedy it�s wise to switch to a tar shampoo if your regular anti-dandruff brands are not doing the trick. Tar shampoos have been used as natural remedies for dandruff for close to 200 years now and are very effective.
NOTE: Tar shampoo can be very tough on your scalp if you are very sensitive to stronger treatments like these. I have seen tar shampoos irritate and aggravate the hair follicles� of certain people. Just be aware that this can happen.
Chemical Based Products:
We all need our hairsprays and mousses for hair control but try to use them a little less often if you can. These chemical based products don�t need to be avoided completely but using them less often can be very beneficial in the fight against dandruff.
Fresh Lime Juice:
After your first shampoo rinse I recommend apply some lime juice to the last rinse to leave hair shiny, sticky-free and also prevents dandruff. A teaspoon of fresh lime juice is regarded as one of the best natural remedies for dandruff by many people. You can mix lime juice with gooseberry and massage into scalp every other day for a consistent home remedy for dandruff also.
Cider Vinegar:
Here on
natural remedies for dot com we have recommended cider vinegar for many treatments in the past. Today is no different. Mixing a small amount of cider vinegar with water and used to rinse your hair will also help with the fight against dandruff�and it does work.
Men�s Axe Dandruff shampoo:
This is the last remedy for today, but do not despair my friends. This one is sworn to be the all time BEST natural remedies for dandruff by younger sister who has suffered from dandruff in the past. She claims that she tried everything under the sun to treat her dandruff problem but it wasn�t until she was introduced to Men�s Axe Dandruff Shampoo that she finally said goodbye to dandruff once and for all.
So there you have a few of the most tested and recommended natural remedies for dandruff to start using today. Our last two articles for this website have been natural remedies for dry hair and natural remedies for colds  Stop by anytime to find the best natural remedies for all symptoms.

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